UPDATE 2 electric boogaloo

Another update!
This time I completely reworked the cell system to give support for layers in a future update.

  • Fixed some UI issues
  • Added some background effects (check them out in the options menu)
  • You can now disable the background effects while animating, toggled from the options menu
  • Reworked cell system so i can add support for layers and stuff in the future (looking into fixing some other issues with that as well) the new system should also make performance better hopefully
  • Oh god what else did i change
  • Added news tab to main menu
  • Removed news tab from main menu so i could get this update out within the next decade
  • Added some spicy easter eggs, see if you can find them, bet you cant
  • Removed more goblins
  • OH also changed the onion skin system, so now you can onion skin previous and next frames, and you can choose how many frames get onion skinned its pretty neat

Remember to join the discord if you have any issues or just want to hang out and share what you've made. I've also started posting garbage on twitter and will probably show off new update stuff sometimes when im not posting nonsense. 

ALSO HUGE THANKS to the 3 people who threw money at me donated to this project. You know who you are, thank you.


Clipnote Studio [1.02] 2.3 MB
Feb 05, 2019

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