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how do i draw,, i cant for some reason


When you are on the screen where you see all the colors, you need to click top left arrow that is pointing down.


The application is good and very interesting but I have a few things to talk about, are you planning to include the language system as an example Italy Japanese Portuguese both Portugal and Brazil among others

is there a lasso or move tool?




shit mic feature plz

yeah the mic only has importing

it does suck and I agree with you m8

one small issue about this is that we need more color


actually, the next release is going to have one color i think. probably for the best


looks like we aint getting our 2.0 release


aww :( why not?

wait we are!?!? :exploding_head: :money-mouth:


we are?? woah, this is great news!

Bro will you put something new one day?

like this app still alive


uuuuh, no, maybe?
anyways, you should go listen to "speaking in tongues" by the talking heads. its probably my favorite of their releases overall. burning down the house is one of the coolest openers known to man and the whole album after that is  just banger after banger. it really takes you for a ride and you cant really predict what david byrne and the gang are going to throw at you next. most of the instrumentals feel so unorthodox (they have that campy halloween-y vibe that i like) which is to say nothing of the vocals. it borders on the edge of uneasy comedy thats only really undercut by the stern nature of most of the lyrics. no where is this more evident than on the closing track "this must be the place". the instrumental almost feels unsure of itself, all at once its upbeat and somehow deeply sorrowful. and its all brought together by these beautiful lyrics painting a vivid picture of an earnest and pedestrian love thats hopeful in its simplicity. its easily one of my favorite songs and its always a treat when you get to listen to it.

clipnote update 2037 btw.


Have you heard the Paramore cover of burning down the house?? It's my everything rn on repeat forever. Also thanks for making this its absolutely incredible and I am having the time of my life <333 (the top screen of my 3ds broke months ago so I haven't been able to animate until TODAY!! <3)

oh yeah the paramore cover is what got me around to giving paramore a real shot. kind of a carly rae situation if that makes sense? their version feels way more intense than the original which is kind of surprising, but ig thats just what 40 years of loudness acclimation does to a song lol, i love. paramore fucking rocks ngl.

They are seriously one of the most incredible bands ever. This is Why is the one of my top albums of life I cannot recommend it enough


It needs a color picker. It REALLY needs a color picker!!

how do i draw

o i found out

I just can't draw for some reason


press the arrow and draw


Is there a release date for Mac support?

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

install windows on ur mac problem solved


running windows is actually just a nightmare and i dont suggest anyone do this :) just use wine

I looked up wine and it looks very confusing to download… is there a release date for Mac?

you're joking, right? :S

heres my crappy remake of flipnote studio: Flipnote Studio by idiotspeed (

Once I closed it, it was just GONE.


haunted OOOooOooooOOOO


eee e eee eeeee e


eee ee e    e  e e e eeeee e e e e


eh eh eh eh eh eh eh


when are you adding a fill tool or updating it?


i can only hope that i wont be doing the spooky scary skeletons


it says virus detected so what do i do



thats more than likely a false positive. its pretty common for software like this 

ah ok


the master hacker

uh oh

i cant open it


Pretty good. Wish it were updated! And maybe had keyboard controls for undoing.

how do i draw

The software is very good, it's great but I'd like to see more colors in the next update, I hope they bring more

Awesome software! Is there a way to export animations by any chance? 

how do i download the animation i made lol (sorry if this a dumb question)

can someone tell me some servers i could join?


It's flagging as a virus on VirusTotal. please help!
Is Clipnote safe?

yes, why wouldn't it be

really missing the undo button!!


The undo button is alt + f4 :)

wow, you are a very cool author (!!) I wish you good luck in your promotion (^・ェ・^)

Wow! very cool! I've been looking for this on PC for a long time! thanks for the work you've done :)

please add fullscreen


Do you have a list of available servers I can connect to?

how do i draw???? 

click the little arrow at the top left


why did you stop working on this


theres this album called "masked dancers" by brave little abacus. its not as well known as their later release, "just got back from the discomfort". but its very much worth listening to today. the bands grasp on math rock instrumentation and its midwest tones combine surprisingly well with the off kilter implementation of noise and samples. despite shaping a lot of midwest emo conventions that we see today, there really isnt anything else like it.

you should probably listen to it at some point :)


How Do I Use The Paint Bucket? I Dont Know How To Use It And There Are No instructions

can you make non-animated things?




iit keeps opening on the top of my screen and the little top bar gets hidden over the area i can click in so i cant go fullscreen... sobbies

also PLEEAse add undoing to this the amount of mistakes that i make is uncountable

anyways yeah this is , really good amazing i like it


Alt + Space


thank you im dumb

will there ever be another update? a select tool so you can copy and paste whatever you select and so it's easier to make down and up movements (cause drawing the frame over and over again in a horizontal or vertical motion is pretty hard) would be a nice addition 💙💛

Wish there were a way to make sounds in the program

best app on the itch io store

is there a way to download animations on my computer as like an mp4 and not a dip i wanna share stuff with frens but i cant find the file on my computer

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